For full and current Department of Agriculture and Fisheries guidelines see:

Bream (Yellow fin, Pikey)
Habitat: Bottom dweller common in estuaries, sandy, muddy and rocky coastal areas
Size Limit: Min 25cm
Bag Limit: 30

Flathead (Bartailed, Northern Sand)
Habitat: Bottom dweller common in shallow sandy and muddy bottoms
Size Limit: Min 30cm
Bag Limit: 5

Whiting (Sand, Goldenline,Northern)
Habitat: Shallow water along beaches, sandbars, mangrove creeks and estuaries
Size Limit: Min 23cm
Bag Limit: 30

Threadfin Salmon (East Coast Blue)
Habitat: common in shallow waters along sandy beaches, mud flats and coastal estuaries
Size Limit: Min 40cm
Bag Limit: 10

Swallowtail Dart (Surf Trevally)
Habitat: Inshore coastal waters frequently in surge off sandy beaches
Size Limit: Min 30cm
Bag Limit: 30

Barramundi (Giant Perch)
Habitat: coastal mangrove estuaries, river mouths and rocky structures
Size Limit: Min 58cm — Max 120cm
Bag Limit: 5 Closed Season Nov 1—Feb 1

Grass Emperor (Grassy Sweetlip)
Habitat: bottom feeder common in coastal sea grass beds and mangroves
Size Limit: Min 30cm
Bag Limit: 10

Mangrove Jack (Red Bream)
Habitat: coastal mangrove estuaries, lower reaches of creeks/rivers around structure
Size Limit: Min 35cm
Bag Limit: 5

Golden Snapper (Fingermark Seaperch)
Habitat: coastal areas especially around mangroves in estuaries and tidal creeks/rivers
Size Limit: Min 35cm
Bag Limit: 10

Mangrove/Lagoon Stingray
Habitat: bottom dweller found at sandy beaches, mud flats and shallow mangrove estuaries
Bag Limit: No Take

Shovel Nosed Ray (Guitar fish)
Habitat: common in coastal waters with sandy bottoms
Bag Limit: No Take

School Mackerel
Habitat: dawn and dusk feeder found in inshore coastal waters around rocky outcrops/structure
Size Limit: min 50cm
Bag Limit: 5

Giant Trevally
Habitat: coastal waters, younger fish common around mangrove estuaries, creeks and beaches
Size Limit: n/a
Bag Limit: 30 (combined Trevally species total)

Giant Queenfish (Talang Queenfish)
Habitat: dawn and dusk feeder found in coastal waters around rocky outcrops, jetties and inshore islands
Size Limit: min 50cm
Bag Limit: 5

Striped Barracuda
Habitat: nocturnal predator found in coastal bays and estuaries
Size Limit: n/a (common 30cm)
Bag Limit: n/a

Cobia (Black Kingfish)
Habitat: nocturnal feeder found in coastal waters, often near pylons, jetties, sea walls
Size Limit: min 75cm
Bag Limit: 2

Black Tip Reef Shark
Habitat: nocturnal predator
Bag Limit: No Take